LED Christmas lights

By now, we are sure you have decorated your house for Christmas. Upon further inspection and installation, you may be ready to discard some of your current lights and decorations after this holiday season and we are here to give you 5 awesome benefits of switching to LED Christmas lights if upgrading your lights is on the agenda.  


Benefits of LED Christmas lights

  1. Less Heat- LED light bulbs are very safe options. They produce very little heat or no heat at all. This means the bulbs are safer in general when it comes to fire safety as well as children and pets who may touch the lighting.
  2. Long life span- LED lights have an exceptional life span and can last over a thousand hours. This is a much longer life span than incandescent lights that typically only last for one or two holiday seasons.
  3. Beautiful colors- LED lights also have a wider variety of design and color options. LED lights can include features such as changing in color and being dimmed.  
  4. Less energy- The U.S. Department of Energy confirms that LED lights use 75% less energy than incandescent lights, while still lasting 25 times longer.
  5. No burnout- LED lights require much less maintenance due to the fact that they do not burn out. LED lights will only get dimmer over time, which ensures less of a hassle and headache if having to replace a burnt out bulb or fuse year after year.


There you have it! Are LED Christmas lights really a better option? Our vote at Anchor Electric is yes! LED Christmas lights provide great durability, longevity, and versatility! They are cost- efficient and safer than traditional glass bulbs in many ways. Reach out to Anchor Electric today if you have any lighting questions and we hope you have a beautiful and bright holiday season! 386-313-6211