Green Electrical Tips: Save Energy & Money

The weather is always so unpredictable this time of year! It’s hot then cold and you never know what to expect from one day to the next! This can also be hard on your thermostat when it comes to heating and cooling your home as well as your electricity bill!


We are here to offer you a few super easy and attainable energy saving tips, which may help with your budget and checkbook when paying your electricity bill this time of year. 


Turn off the lights!

This tip seems so simple, yet so many times we leave a room without turning off the light. Did you know lighting actually accounts for around 5-10% of total energy use? You can save a great deal by making sure you switch off the lights in your home when they are not in use. You can also make sure you are using LED bulbs for when your lights are on, which uses at least 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs and that equates to a plethora of savings over time.


Use a ceiling fan

Here in Florida, we are used to freezing cold mornings that warm up immensely by mid afternoon. Instead of constantly reaching for the thermostat to adjust to the ever changing temperatures, utilize your ceiling fans. A ceiling fan can make a room feel at least 10 degrees cooler and use 10% of the energy that an air conditioner does, thus saving on your electricity bill. 


Shut it down

Much like the lights in your home, make sure you are shutting off your electronic devices when they are not in use. If you left your computer running constantly, you could accrue over $100 extra on your electricity bill in a year. Smart plugs are a great option to use in your home, which allows you to set a schedule to turn off your electronic devices automatically. 


Utilize a dimmer

By installing a dimmer switch on lighting in your home, you can save energy and money. Dimming your lights reduces the wattage used and the output, which saves energy. You can even install dimmer switches that operate by using an app on your phone. This allows you to be in control and adjust your lighting no matter where you are!


Location, location, location

Have you considered where your thermostat is located in your home? Depending on the location of your thermostat, the AC or furnace could be triggered to turn on when unnecessary due to being hit by direct sunlight or other factors. The best spot for a thermostat is on an interior wall in the middle of a room, such as a living room. 


We hope these simple and easy tips can be implemented in your home to save energy and electricity and in turn, put money back into your pocket. Reach out to Anchor Electric with any questions and let us help you save money today!


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