5 Common Electrical Problems You May Not Know About

It is very important to learn some of the causes you may have from any electrical issue. Whether it is as small as a light flickering or even the smell of “burning plastic.” Here are some things that Anchor Electric would like to recommend looking out for…

  1. Frequent light bulb blowouts

If your light bulbs burn out often, this could be a poor connection (this can lead to overheating) or if it isn’t a good brand light bulb, try switching to LED. 

(LEDs have proven to be more cost efficient and can last up to 25 times longer than most light bulbs!) 


  1. Warm Outlets or Switches


Go to each outlet and feel around it… is it warm to the touch? 

If your outlet(s) or switch(es) are warm there could be an overload circuit!! This means whatever is plugged in the outlet(s) can’t handle the electrical load and can lead to a house fire.

What to do if this occurs: Unplug the devices from the warm outlet and spread them to other outlets. This way it is more spread out so one outlet isn’t doing all the heavy lifting. 


3. High Electric Bills


Damaged wires and circuits can contribute to high electric bills. If your monthly bill is higher than normal try unplugging unused devices and chargers. 

This can save the planet’s energy and save your money too!


  1. Help!! I Smell Burning Plastic

Oh No… There is a burning plastic smell in your home.


Here’s what to do: shut off all power to the home, afterwards call your local fire department and ask them to inspect your home. Once they gave you an all-clear, call us to come and

inspect the wires.


Why does it smell like burning plastic? Well the cause of burning plastic is when wires are overheating the insulation surrounding the wires are melting.


  1. Some Lights are Dim and Others are not


 Call Anchor Electrical for a free estimate and we can fix your problem 


If you have lights that are dimmer than others, this could be a result of older wire, damaged or poorly installed or if you ever have any electric problem from this list and it is unresolved, call Anchor Electric of Florida immediately. Never attempt to fix any wiring yourself. As licensed electricians, we can help make your home, office, or business, a safer place. 

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