Snakes… Turn on Your Lights!

Did you know that certain species of snakes are more active in the spring? It is reported that most snake bites occur between the months of April and October when outdoor activities pick up. According to the Florida Department of State, around 300 venomous snake bites occur annually in Florida. Luckily, most of the species of snakes found in Florida are non venomous, but all snakes can bite. If bitten by a snake, medical care is required immediately to determine the type of snake involved and to ensure anti-venom is administered if needed.


Here at Anchor Electric, we want to advise you on how to stay safe and avoid snake bites, which includes making sure your yard is illuminated so that you can be vigilant when outside at night. Many species of snakes are nocturnal and hunt for prey at night. It is important to pay attention to tall grass or brush in your yard. Watch where you are stepping and always use a flashlight to shine on your path when walking outside. You can use solar lights to illuminate pathways as well as outdoor flood lights that are motion sensor activated to brighten up your yard and keep you, your family, and pets safe when active outside. 


Other ways to keep your yard free from snakes include keeping your grass mowed short, placing rocks along pathways which makes it harder for snakes to slither, cleaning up trash that could entice a hungry snake, and cleaning your gutters frequently.


Anchor Electric would be happy to come to your home for a custom consultation to discuss the best ways to illuminate your yard to keep your home safe from unwanted animals or reptiles year round. Outdoor lights are great for wildlife control as opposed to spraying any chemicals or repellents that could be harmful to pets and humans. Outdoor lights are easy to install and maintain and we would love to provide you with a free estimate for your yard today.


If you do happen to encounter a snake, remember to stay calm and do not approach it. Give us a call so that we can assist you with your outdoor lighting today!
