Severe Weather Electrical Needs

No matter where you live, severe weather can happen anytime and cannot be avoided. By becoming proactive in taking the right safety measures, you can put your mind at ease knowing your household is equipped to take on dangerous weather conditions. Here at Anchor Electric of Florida, we have compiled a list of tips and tricks to help you stay on top of it when severe weather comes your way!

Know Your Risk

Tornadoes– Tornadoes are made up of violently rotating funnels of air. They can happen anywhere at any time and have the capability to produce winds of over 200 miles per hour.

Flooding– This occurrence happens when there is an overflow of water onto land that is normally dry. According to, floods are considered to be the most common in natural disasters in the United States. These disasters can cause a lot of damage to buildings, landslides, disrupt the flow of transportation and cause power outages. 

Thunder and Lightning- Lighting is the leading cause for injury or death from weather type hazards. These storms also have tendencies to produce winds of over 50 mph, hail, flooding, and tornadoes. Be sure to stay inside when a thunder and lightning storm occurs and pay attention to news alerts that may pop up.

Hurricanes- Major damage, storm surges, wind damage, rip currents, and flooding typically are associated with hurricanes. Hurricanes can happen alongside any coast in the United States. If you live in these areas, it is important to stay proactive in continually checking for weather updates and alerts on potential hurricanes off of the coasts.


If your region is prone to any of these severe weather patterns, make sure to always pay attention to the weather reports in your area as meteorologists are able to predict when the conditions are favorable for such occurrences. This will help you to be better prepared for which measures you should take.

Weather Tips to Keep in Your Toolbelt

Keeping these tips in in mind when you prepare for future storms will help you in staying ahead of the game:

  • Practice and create a safety plan with your family- Come up with a game plan of who is in charge of what and what to expect when a storm occurs. Take time with your family discussing the different conditions that happen in your area, have a safety plan, and practice. 
  • Have an emergency kit- When there is an emergency, it is difficult to remember what you should grab in the moment. Making a kit ahead of time will save you time and stress . Having a stockpile of nonperishable food items, water, first aid kit, medicine, batteries, blankets, flashlights, and an emergency contact list are important items in staying on top of the situation. 
  • Stay indoors until the weather clears- Be sure to remain indoor when the weather is bad. Many people enjoy watching storms and tend to venture outside. Lightning can even be dangerous to you up to 5 miles away. It is best to wait out the storm in your home rather than outside. 
  • Have power back-up- Allow Anchor Electric to help you with securing your home from possible power outages. We would love to help you discuss different home generator options. 
  • Repair damages and know what to look for- After a severe storm hits, it is always best to have an inventory of any damage that may have happened. Don’t allow something minor to go unattended. This could be a potential hazard for a large problem down the road. Anchor Electric of Florida is able to provide you with an electrical safety inspection to ensure that your house is in the right hands.


If you have any other questions or concerns in regards to helping keep your home better equipped for the possible threat of severe weather, give us a call at Anchor Electric of Florida Inc. to schedule your appointment today!